Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Illuminati's. Angels or demons?

In the novel "Angels & Demons" written by Dan Brown, there is a secret society called the Illuminati, which were believed to be completely extinct. The Illuminati was established by a man by the name of Adam Weishaupt, founded in 1776. Modeled on the Freemason's the Illuminati was made up of mostly freethinkers. They encumbered members by drawing members of existing Masonic lodges. So far the Illuminati has only presented itself once in the book, there was a symbol given to Robert Langdon by a Swiss research group. This symbol given to Langdon was found seared into the chest of a murdered physicist. Now this poses the theory, are they Illuminati really coming back?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Perception is everything.

Perception is everything. Everyone is always told that everything action starts with a reaction. But people do not react to every event in life in the same matter or extremities. Everybody can look at something, be it a pencil or a crime being committed and see it from an entirely different perspective. An example of this would be the monkey see monkey do concept; which in turn is how human evolution started, man makes fire and then more men make fire. Beau Otto uses metaphors such as optical illusions to portray this idea. He manages this by taking two colored dots that are unchanged and both completely the same and puts one on a white sheet as well as one on a black sheet, the end product is one that disfigures the dots and makes them seem as if they are completely different colors then they were previously. Beau Otto also expresses that everyone perspective on things are different. Meaning that someones yellow could be another persons green. Another example in this presentation is when Beau Otto takes a swarm of hone bees and has them collect from different circles shown with different colors. The bees were misplayed by the illusion and the different shades and shadows to get honey from what they did previous to this experience. Media also plays as a big influence in the lives of many people today. In the middle east the "Terrorist insurgents" are being portrayed as bad people for something that they most likely believe in, people see this as wrong; mainly only because the media is projecting terrible graphic images and such from the war. Society today needs to be cautious as how they go about new situations and into different environments because they will never know what influence is had by other people experiencing the same thing.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The best thing in life

Some people say that the most magnificent thing that anyone can have in life is wealth. Some would say happiness. Other would say both. But is that genuinely what we should think is the most unsurpassed thing that one has or can obtain, or does one lead to the other and vise verse? But without a doubt this inanimate object and emotion could unequivocally not be achieved without the one most single important piece of what could be described as power, knowledge, wealth or even a privilege. Without this one crucial component of existence we would not have wealth, happiness, buildings, sky scrapers, government, friendships, knowledge, technology or even anything we have today. Nothing could be achieved but then again, nothing could be lost if it's never gained. So the question still occupies my cerebrum, what is the best thing in life? What is so important to someones existence that they could declare it as the "Best thing" ? When someone says, "Wealth is everything" or "Look on the brighter side of things!" Does that make one realize how good everybody on this entire Earth has it today. How are the concepts of life comprehended by our human minds. Every homo-sapient will be redundant to think, wealth and power at first. But why not look onto the other side. How did this wealth become fabricated and how did this power manufacture itself into human society. Look back to Adam and Eve, the very beginning of life. Good and evil. But how did they become to exist? What were they thankful of when they were put onto this Earth. That thing, the one that made everything exist. Made people happy or sad, started wars, ended wars, changed governmental ruling and even changes our lives over day. That thing is life.